As part of the final stages of my healing I decided to take a few weeks off work to journal, decompress, blog and wrap up the final stages…excited about what is ahead.
There are no known cases of alternative healing for ameliblastomas other than the horrid $150,000 surgeries that people sometimes have to do multiple times…
I cant wait til I have the Xray to prove it all! By February 15th I will!
As part of my ‘do nothing fir a few weeks plan’ I went on a beautiful hike up the Hollywood sign today…funny when I lived in LA I never appreciated it but now that I live in Texas I so appreciate the mountains and the beautiful Calif sunshine in December…
I have a question for you: who are you grateful thats in your life but you havent told them you love them or appreciate them in a while?
What if they were gone tomorrow? And you didnt tell them you love them? Our dad was tragically taken from us last year in November. What we take with us are the beautiful memories we built taking vacations together and that we took the time to let him know we love him.
We are wiser, thanks to all the challenges that presented themselves this year. But wise without fulfillment is nothing…so that fulfillment takes place when we pay our experiences forward.
Turn your challenges into gifts and blessings…only you have that power…do it!
About Yvette Ulloa
Yvette Ulloa, the fiery Latina was born in NY and currently lives in California. Yvette is passionate about health/fitness, travelling the world full time, and teaching others to achieve success!
Yvette Ulloa has been through a journey of challenges, however they have turned out to be some of the biggest blessings in her life. She has been happily married for 16 years to the love of her life Dave Ulloa, a former professional basketball player in Australia and self-made entrepreneur. Yvette's philosophies are all about contribution, sharing lessons from her journey with others, and she is lucky to travel around the world inspiring people with her story. She has spoken to audiences as big as 12,000 in Vegas, South Africa, Hungary, Greece and many other places, where she is highly acclaimed speaker and coach.
In 2010, Yvette Ulloa and her husband Dave Ulloa achieved one of their life-long dreams to travel the world with Anthony Robbins and become Platinum Partners. They got to experience a whole year of immersion in Scotland, Egypt, Israel, Fiji and get personally mentored by Tony Robbins.
One of Yvette's biggest passions is helping women around the world to believe in themselves and have a voice. She will reach out her hand to you to help you climb up to the top of the mountain! And nothing like enjoying the journey and making many pit stops to smell the roses. The coffee. The challenges. Anything that makes you grow and enjoy life.
Dave & Yvette Ulloa are also professional tourists and ambassadors of fun. Dave Ulloa recently got back from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free standing mountain in the world, at 19,000 altitude, one of the toughests and most rewarding activities of his life.
Dave and Yvette Ulloa are Presidential Advisory Council members for the largest travel social media company one of the top 100 direct sales companies in the globe, WorldVentures. They were honored in front of thousands of people in Las Vegas for achieving the highest rank in the company, International Marketing Directors, being the first Latino couple to achieve this rank, as well as being the first team of both International trainers and speakers.
I am so grateful for my mother and for my girlfriend Julie. I grew up in a very “tough love” kind of a family, where the phrase “I love you” wasn’t even muttered until after my grandmother passed away in 1995. My cousins, my aunts and uncles, all say I love you all the time, but my mother for some reason still always could not bring herself to say it. Then, about one week before Thanksgiving this year, I brought my mom out to lunch, took her to get her hair done, just spent the day with her. Went to drop her off and for the first time that I can remember in my life, she said it. You see, growing up in my family it was kind of like, if you want something done you have to do it yourself – but what we failed to realize is that just because it was that way, didn’t mean that we had to appear unemotional or cold. If we all just give without expectations of receiving anything back, we’ll get back more than what we ever could imagined. Even if it is JUST an “I Love You, too”.
Wrote a post this morning on my blog on where I touch on this subject a little bit. Dave and Yvette, you two are truly an inspiration!!! Hope to see you two again soon! 🙂
Love your spirit, Yvette! I will continue praying in faith for your complete and miraculous healing!