Tag Archives: chiropractor
Ameloblastoma Treatment
My doctor called me today to discuss the surgery. He is moving forward very fast preparing for the Dec. 13th surgery date. Ameloblastoma treatment includes a major surgery which would take about 3-4 hours so they booked two surgeons plus … Continue reading
Posted in Ameloblastoma, Healing
Tagged ameloblastoma, ameloblastoma treatment, chiropractor, fitness, healing, health, holistic, whole foods, Yvette Ulloa
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Health & Fitness Blog: Staying healthy through the holidays
Here are some tips that have helped me sooo much to stay healthy while healing. Have you noticed that people during the holidays get sick and have the flu? Have you noticed that during the holidays is also when we … Continue reading
Posted in Health & Fitness
Tagged chiropractor, fitness, healing, health, holistic, stevia, sugar, whole foods, Yvette Ulloa