Tag Archives: health
It’s been a while…news news news in my life…
It’s been a while since I’ve been blogging. I’m getting started again. I’ve been on a waiting period…God put me in the classroom and taught me some lessons on patience, trust and relinquish. In trusting that he has my back..and … Continue reading
30 Day Challenge by Dave and Yvette
30 DAY CHALLENGE by Dave and Yvette This is a sample of the 30 day challenge and just a few tips that will help you get shredded for your upcoming summer vacation. We will continue to provide more detailed information on … Continue reading
Super Dave Shake Recipe
By popular demand here is the Super Dave Shake with ingredients and serving sizes. For two people 1. 1 /1/2 cups almond milk (vanilla) -(Coconut milk is great as well) 2. 2 teaspoons Udo’s Oil (omega 3 and omega 6) … Continue reading
If at First You Don’t Succeed….by Farrah Simmons
If At First You Don’t Succeed…. So here I am January 30th 2012, last year in March I had committed to complete Bikram’s 60 day challenge & I event made it to day 44!! Then what happened was ….Life got … Continue reading
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Cancer
Unknowingly, if you are packing ham or salami sandwiches in yours or your kids’ lunch boxes you may be raising their risk of a cancerous condition, according to the World Cancer Research Fund. Convincing evidence shows that processed acidic meats … Continue reading
Peanut Butter and Jelly! Not so good for you… Our better version…
So they said that white bread is chemically treated and not so good for you. And they they say that peanut butter is not the best either. And then finally we hear that jelly is full of sugar! Dave … Continue reading
Ameloblastoma Treatment
My doctor called me today to discuss the surgery. He is moving forward very fast preparing for the Dec. 13th surgery date. Ameloblastoma treatment includes a major surgery which would take about 3-4 hours so they booked two surgeons plus … Continue reading
Health & Fitness Blog: Staying healthy through the holidays
Here are some tips that have helped me sooo much to stay healthy while healing. Have you noticed that people during the holidays get sick and have the flu? Have you noticed that during the holidays is also when we … Continue reading
It was 8:34 in the morning and my life was about to change…

It was 8:34 in the morning and I was putting on my sweats to go on a morning walk, something I’ve done for 6 years after going to a Tony Robbins seminar. A way to set up my day to … Continue reading