Tag Archives: diet
Citrus Elixir

Here is one of my favorite detox juicing recipes! Every time I would buy a green juice it was never the perfect taste so I decided to create my own recipe! This us a great way to start a cleanse … Continue reading
Posted in eating healthy, Healing, Health & Fitness, lose weight, Love
Tagged diet, greens, jjuicing, juicing recipes, lose weight, organic, raw, recipes
1 Comment
10 Day Challenge: Eat Clean, Go Lean!!
10 DAY CHALLENGE: NO PILLS, NO LOTIONS, NO POTIONS! Get rid of that unwanted baggage around your body What is the best way to lose weight naturally? Have you noticed that your health is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to you … Continue reading
It was 8:34 in the morning and my life was about to change…

It was 8:34 in the morning and I was putting on my sweats to go on a morning walk, something I’ve done for 6 years after going to a Tony Robbins seminar. A way to set up my day to … Continue reading
Posted in Healing, Health & Fitness, Uncategorized
Tagged ameloblastoma, cancer, diabetes, diet, healing, health, healthy, heart attack, heart disease, holistic, nutrition, Yvette Ulloa