Tag Archives: Dave Ulloa
Healing can get pretty messy at times…

Well hello you amazing being, you. With your full potential. With all your faults, with all the great things you bring to this earth. Today’s blog is about being okay feeling human. When I share my story, sometimes I say … Continue reading
My life is not all Cloud 9 – my scan update

I have not written a blog post in a while. I almost replaced my blog with Facebook posts…but I realize it’s so important to stay connected by writing deeper, lengthier, more detailed facts about my journey to healing…as I am … Continue reading
My Healing Update

Thank you everyone for all the beautiful prayers and love! My dear friend Bethany Webster took over the Women in Power Call to give me more free time so I can focus full time on my healing…I appreciate all the … Continue reading
Yvette Ulloa my story

Yvette Ulloa, the fiery Latina was born in NY and currently lives in California. Yvette’s greatest passions in life include the love of her life Dave Ulloa, creating magical moments and experiences for people, health/fitness, travelling the world full time through … Continue reading
Dreams do come true…

Okay okay…so I’m a couple of blogs behind on my 28 day blog challenge…boy I”m going to have to work overtime on something that brings me so much joy 🙂 Today I wish to talk about dreams coming true. Just … Continue reading
Be careful with Stevia!
As you know, Stevia is a great natural sweetener. However, the health conglomerates have gotten a hold of this and want to make money off the Stevia name while still poisoning people. Buy Stevia, but make sure the ingredients are … Continue reading
If at First You Don’t Succeed….by Farrah Simmons
If At First You Don’t Succeed…. So here I am January 30th 2012, last year in March I had committed to complete Bikram’s 60 day challenge & I event made it to day 44!! Then what happened was ….Life got … Continue reading
An update on the orphanage by Dave Ulloa

Dear friends! We have so much joy and want to let you know that they have opened a third home in Ecuador at La Esperanza Homes, which now houses 15 children!! As you know, we (Dave Ulloa and family) experienced … Continue reading
A love letter to my husband Dave Ulloa
Dear Dave Ulloa (babe) …I just want to thank you for being so unconditional to me…I want to thank you for making me your #1 regardless of how hard you work, how much you focus, and your mission in life. … Continue reading
Update on my health
Hello all…my life has been on hold (or in a growing pattern :-)) for almost a year now…and even a few more added to that… On October 30th of last year I was diagnosed with a severe tumor (ameloblastoma) in … Continue reading