Blogging post vegas
I would like to thank everyone for all the love, comments, prayers and FB messages on my healing, your love of the blog and future content you would like to see. I would like to start this blog by apologizing. … Continue reading
Put OIL in your face forget expensive products!

Okay, so THIS IMPRESSED ME so much and I’ve started trying it this week. God put so many beautiful things in nature for us to us, he did not intend for us to put chemicals or expensive stuff in order … Continue reading
Lucky 7 of 28 Blogs…Blessings this Easter..and 90 days to get fit!

Everybody can dream! And if God put the desire in your heart, he has also given you the way to achieve it! Seek it, get your mindset in the right place, apply the right action, and you will see your … Continue reading
Dreams do come true…

Okay okay…so I’m a couple of blogs behind on my 28 day blog challenge…boy I”m going to have to work overtime on something that brings me so much joy 🙂 Today I wish to talk about dreams coming true. Just … Continue reading
Blog 5 of 28….the power of your mind…
My healing journey has taken over two years and I have learned a lot in the process since I was diagnosed with ameloblastoma, a rare tumor forming in my jaw bone which is supposedly incurable and only way to fix … Continue reading
Blog 4 of 28…it’s been one week
It’s been one week since the surgery and I’m still in a lot of pain — a lot more than I expected. I’m very strong and even with a strong mindset I’m still throbbing and it feels like a part … Continue reading
Day 3 of 28…today’s blog focused on getting out of your comfort zone
One of the most important things you can do in life is to live outside your comfort zone. See, in life you’re either growing or you’re dying, there is no in between. What have you done in the last six … Continue reading
Blogging with gratitude…day 2 of 28
Today I’m blogging from Steamboat Colorado, with total gratitude for the transformations in my life. Transformation in my mindset, because I used to allow my emotions to drown me. Transformation in my health, because I used to eat like Ms. … Continue reading
28 blogs in 28 days
I’m feeling very grateful. For the first time in this two year journey, God has given me physical confirmation that the tumor has been contained. GRATEFUL!! A miracle in process. This very aggressive condition is very difficult and a growing … Continue reading
It’s been a while…news news news in my life…
It’s been a while since I’ve been blogging. I’m getting started again. I’ve been on a waiting period…God put me in the classroom and taught me some lessons on patience, trust and relinquish. In trusting that he has my back..and … Continue reading